【英语语法】区分to do和to doing的方法
- 承认(admit to): He admitted to cheating on the test.
- He –admitted–> cheating on the test
- 同意/认可(consent to): He consented to sharing the information.
- He –consent–> sharing the information
- 反对(object to): We object to taking unnecessary risks.
- We <–object– taking unnecessary risks
- 习惯于(be used to): I am used to waking up early.
- I –am used–> waking up early
- 致力于(commit to): They are committed to improving the system.
- They –are committed–> improving the system
- 献身于(dedicate to): She dedicated herself to helping others.
- She –dedicated herself–> helping others
- 方法 (approach to) : Their approach to solving the problem was creative.
- Their –approach–> solving the problem
- 期待 (look forward to): I look forward to meeting with you.
- I –look forward–> meeting with you