





  • Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Thank you for joining us today, and welcome to today’s webinar.
  • Hello everyone, I’m very happy to be speaking with you today.


  • My name is [your name], and I’m part of the design team here at […] Corporation.
  • First of all, a little bit about my background – I am the Team Lead at [Company], and I’ve been in charge of [your main responsibility] for [X] years.
  • I’d like to tell you a bit about myself – my name is Eve I’m the Operations Manager here at [Company].


  • Today, I’d like to talk about…
  • This presentation will take about [X] minutes, and we will discuss…
  • We’ve allocated [X] minutes to this presentation. and I’ll talk about…
  • I’d like to give you a brief breakdown of…
  • I’d like to take this opportunity to talk about…
  • The main goal of this presentation is…
  • The purpose of this presentation is…
  • My objective today is…


  • If you have any questions about anything, feel free to interrupt.
  • If anything isn’t clear, please click on the ‘raise hand’ button and I’ll do my best to answer your question.
  • I’d be happy to answer your questions at the end of the presentation.
  • If you have any questions, please kindly wait until the end to ask them. We will have [X] minutes for a Q&A session at the end.
  • Since today’s audience is considerably large, we will not have time for questions, but please email me at email@address.com


  • Can everyone hear me well? Let me know if you encounter any technical difficulties throughout the presentation.
  • If you are not speaking, please put yourselves on mute.
  • If you feel that the sound quality is poor throughout the presentation, please let me know.


  • Hi everyone, I think we might still be missing a few people but I’m going to kick things off now so we have time to get through everything.
  • All right, let’s dive right in!
  • All right, let’s jump right in!
  • Let’s get started.
  • Let’s kick things off.
  • I’m going to talk about
  • The purpose/subject of this presentation is
  • I’ve divided the presentation into 3 parts: In the first part, … / Then in the second part, … / Finally, I’ll go on to talk about…
  • Let me begin by looking at…
  • Let me start with some general information on…



  • Now let’s move to the first part of the presentation,
  • So, first
  • We can see 4 advantages and two disadvantages. First,
  • On the one hand… On the other hand…
  • There are two steps involved. The first step is… The second step is…
  • There are four stages to the project.


  • All right, let’s turn to…
  • Now we come to the next point, which is
  • Okay so that’s [topic 1], but what about [topic 2]?
  • There’s a lot more to talk about, but since we’re pushed for time, let’s move on to [topic 2].
  • This leads me to my next point, which is…


  • For example…
  • A good example of this is…
  • To illustrate this point…
  • This reminds me of…
  • To give you an example…
  • Let me elaborate further on…


  • As you can see [from this infographic]
  • This chart shows
  • If you look at this graph, you will see
  • From this chart, we can understand how
  • Let me show you this [image, graph, diagram]
  • On the right/left
  • In the middle of
  • At the top/bottom of the picture


  • This is important because
  • I’d like to emphasize that
  • We have to remember that


  • In other words
  • To put it more simply
  • So, what I’m saying is that
  • Let me say that again.



  • That’s all I want to say for now about [topic].
  • To sum up, …
  • This sums up [topic].
  • So in a nutshell, …
  • So to recap, …
  • In brief, …
  • To conclude, …
  • I’d like to conclude by emphasizing the main points…
  • That’s it on [topic] for today. In short, we’ve covered…
  • So, now I’d be very interested to hear your comments.
  • And this brings us to the end of this presentation. I hope [topic] is a little clear after today.
  • So to draw all that together, …


  • Thank you for your attention. I hope you found this presentation useful, and I’d be happy to answer any questions.
  • Thank you for listening. We now have [X] minutes left. Do you have any questions?
  • Thank you for your question, [Name].
  • I’m glad you asked.
  • That’s an interesting question.
  • That’s a great question, I must say. I’m not 100% sure, but off the top of my head, I can tell you that…
  • Are you asking about [topic 1] or [topic 2]?
  • Can you please clarify what exactly you mean by [question]? I’m not sure I fully understand.
  • I’m afraid I don’t have the exact figures at hand, but if you give me your email address at the end, I can follow up with you later.
  • Does that answer your question?
  • I hope that makes sense. Is that the kind of answer you were looking for?


